Friday, 5 April 2013

Green Lentil & Turmeric soup

The other day I was privileged to receive an insightful view of living beyond cancer. My friend, who survived cancer surgery and treatment explained that, while the treatment eliminated final traces of cancer it ravaged many other healthy cells. She communicated a sense of being afloat, with little support and practical information on how to assist her body to recover from the damage of chemotherapy; and then made the perceptive association between nutrition and her body attaining improved well-being and strength.

After investigating ‘healing foods’ I am left pondering my old hobby-horse; what good is it to know the names of food that assist health if we are not able to put them into dishes that we eat?

With this in mind let’s take look at Turmeric – it is from the ginger family and nicknamed ‘ Indian saffron’ because of its lovely yellow colour.
The substance called curcumin in turmeric has been the subject of investigations in relation to cancer. Cancer Research UK indicates that, while inconclusive, early trials show promising results. One such trial found that curcumin altered the expression of 62 genes, 2 of which were inflammatory; it was this information that indicates curcumin may hinder metastasis (Bachmeier et al. 2008).

Here’s a recipe that’s easy to make, and a pot of it can be kept in the fridge for up to four days if it’s only reheated in the portions being used. I have read suggestions that black pepper and oils increase the absorption of turmeric - off to read more......



·         1 Onion
·         2 Sticks of celery
·         1 Leek
·         1 carrot
·         2 cloves of garlic
·         2 tablespoons of green lentils
·         1 tablespoon of turmeric
·         1 tablespoon of paprika
·         1 tablespoon of tomato puree
·         1 stock cube (veg/chicken)
·         Salt, Black Pepper & tablespoon olive oil


1.      Peel and cut the onion and garlic.
2.      Wash and cut the celery, leek and carrots.
3.      Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the onions, garlic, salt & pepper, stir till soft.
4.      Add the lentils, leek, carrot and celery put on a low heat with a lid for 10mins, add the turmeric & 
5.      Add enough water to cover the veg well, add puree and stock cube, bring to the boil, then lower to a  
      simmer for 20mins.
6.      Puree with a hand blender.

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